
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tony Abbott's mailing list-Part 2.

A reply to my email to Tony Abbott-from my local member Malcolm Turnbull.  Nothing apparently to all those reports of substantial personal data bases held by the Liberal Party ( and others as well)?? No defence of the exemptions from the Spam and Privacy acts, but I appreciate the response nevertheless. I know Mr Abbott is busy but you will read it here if he  gets around to a reply. I won't be applying to suppress details on the Electoral Roll, but don't want further warnings the sky is to fall with personal solicitations that opening the wallet for the Liberal Party will help.

Dear Mr and Mrs Timmins,

Thanks for including my (sic) into your email – there is a link at the top & bottom of the email you received which will allow you to unsubscribe from all Liberal updates.

In regards to your question, the only information the Liberal Party would have on you is the information provided by the Electoral Commission ie. your names and address, which is publicly available. I believe you can apply to have your details suppressed – and have included a link where you can check on your details and make changes: <>

I hope this helps,


  1. Anonymous11:09 am

    That response was penned by a 12 year old?

  2. I'm sure that's not true-it was at least a reply.
