
Monday, November 24, 2014

FOI amendment bill wishfully or wrongly listed as non contentious

The Draft Legislation Programme  for the Senate this week lists the Freedom of Information Amendment (New Arrangements) Bill for Thursday 27 November under the heading "Non controversial legislation-to be confirmed."

I have it on good authority this is either wishful thinking on the government's part or a mistake after the program was discussed between party whips.

Labor is opposed; The Greens are opposed; and my conversations with staffers in crossbench offices today suggest they see the point -  the legislation is retrograde not beneficial to those who may use the act, and more broadly a set back on the long journey towards open transparent and accountable government.

The government needs four six of eight crossbench votes for the bill to pass.

If you have time for a brief "I want to let you know that I hope the senator votes against this bill" or something even stronger, the phone numbers are here.

The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee is scheduled to report on the bill tomorrow 25 November.

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