
Friday, June 11, 2010

MacDonald report out, but hard to find

Today's papers reveal more about the MacDonald saga in NSW and "a Dubai connection" following his resignation as minister and member of parliament last week over travel expenses, with the Premier yesterday tabling a report (without attachments which the Premier said contain personal information about individuals) by the Director General of her department. The report has gone to the Independent Commission Against Corruption. Want to see it yourself? Sorry, it will take a trip to Macquarie St. in business hours. Papers tabled in Parliament don't go up on its website, the Premier's newsroom doesn't mention the matter, and the latest news on the Department of Premier and Cabinet  is about the clasification of Research Scientist positions in the public service.

Come 1 July and the commencement of the GIPA act, "information about the agency contained in any document tabled in Parliament by or on behalf of the agency" will be open access information in NSW and is to be published on the internet. Would a report by the Director General about a minister's expenses contain "information about the agency" I wonder?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:39 am

    Such a document would be posted online but "Due to technical difficulies is currently unavailable. Please try again after the election".
