
Thursday, June 03, 2010

Gov 2.0 a hive of activity in some places

Lots of buzz in parts of the Gov 2.0 world with the Expo in Washington last week, including a panel session on Australian developments featuring Nicholas Gruen and Senator Kate Lundy among others, which seems to have attracted a small but impressed crowd. The Senator told the audience the Federal Government will soon make a declaration of open government, a key recommendation of the Gruen Task Force.There was also the CeBit Conference in Sydney, the start up of AGIMO's blog  and plenty of twittering on the subject. Its good and welcome, with  recognition, for example in Senator Lundy's remarks of the link between what often seems techo interest and activity, and the role the Australian  Information Commissioner is to play in moving forward on open government  and FOI reform generally..

Hope the same is true at state level. Mark Elliott and Pat McCormick gave Victorian developments a good airing at the Washington Panel session .But hard to tell what is happening elsewhere around the country. News welcome!

After a flurry late last year the NSW Chief Information Officer's Information @ the center website hardly gives the impression of great activity and the announcement of a winner from the  bright ideas generated by the  Apps4NSW competition is still awaited..The NSW Office of Information Commissioner rollout  for the commencement of the GIPA act on 1 July includes guidance on compliance with the proactive publication requirements in the legislation but hard to see anything that connects compliance with the broader Gov 2.0 issues. Culture change is at the heart of both.

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