
Thursday, April 01, 2010

NSW Information Commissioner appointed

I haven't seen the announcement but understand that Deirdre O'Donnell, the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman and a former Western Australian Ombudsman has been announced  nominated today as NSW Information Commisioner. We wish her well. Update. This is from the OIC announcement of the nomination now subject to Parliamentary committee endorsement:
Ms O’Donnell’s wealth of experience ensures she is well-qualified to drive right to information reforms in NSW. As Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, she has led the TIO scheme through unprecedented growth over the past two years.

From 2002 to 2007, Ms O’Donnell was the Western Australian Ombudsman and exercised broad investigative powers, including those of the Royal Commission. Western Australia was the first state to establish an ombudsman's office in 1972, and Ms O'Donnell was the first woman to be appointed to the position.

Her other roles include serving as State Records Commissioner, a member of the Western Australian Integrity Coordinating Group, and the Energy Ombudsman Western Australia. Her outstanding contributions won Ms O’Donnell acclaim in 2008, in the form of a public service medal in the Australia Day Honours.

Ms O'Donnell has qualifications in arts, education and French, as well as an MBA and a Masters in Commercial Law from Melbourne University.


  1. Anonymous4:48 pm

    Oh dear.

    I don't recall anything outstanding about her tenure as TIO.

  2. Peter Timmins11:14 pm

    C'mon Anonymous, cheap shot. Name and detail on the line to back this one up.

  3. Anonymous9:53 am

    Perhaps, but I stand by my comment (in as much as "Anonymous" can :)

  4. Peter Timmins3:22 pm

    Two people whose opinion I respect have told me this is a good appointment.
