
Monday, May 11, 2009

Anything more than stomachs rumbling in Adelaide?

Some rumblings in
South Australia, at the instigation of the Ombudsman, at council refusals to disclose information on "public interest" grounds sought under the Freedom of Information Act about breaches of food hygiene standards. The NSW Food Authority now has 922 penalty notices listed in its register of council issued penalty notices, searchable by name, suburb, post code, type of problem, etc. Only three results for "rats" but 38 for "cockroaches" so far.

Anything doing in Adelaide (or Perth or Melbourne) about broader FOI reform given movement at the station just about everywhere else?


  1. I'm a hyperlocal blogger in Fitzroy Melbourne and have just made an FOI to the City of Yarra council for the results of food hygiene inspections in Fitzroy. More here. I'm going to puruse this to the bitter end. We the ratepayers pay for this work to be done to keep us safe and healthy and we have a fundamental right to access the information we pay for.

  2. Good on you.I've been on about this for years,strongly of the view that the public interest in compliance with the standards is advanced by disclosure of inspection results. There might be an argument that it isn't information concerning business affairs- it is about compliance with mandatory standards. The NSW breakthrough might help and there is plenty of material from abroad.

  3. In WA the results are published here -

  4. Thanks-wasn't aware WA had also taken the plunge

  5. A partial victory - I have inspection data minus business names and individual offence details. Appeal is lodged to demand access to all the data:
