
Monday, March 10, 2008

From the weekend papers

Matthew Moore wants us to pass the hat around to shout NSW Premier Morris Iemma a ticket to Queensland where he could have a look at the extensive changes under consideration to the Freedom of Information regime by the Solomon Review.

I'd think we'd be better off chartering an aircraft and doing a pick up around the country, as the issues flagged in the discussion paper seem likely to result in a total rewrite of legislation that has been the model just about everywhere. A 21st century version is what is required.

But Queensland also comes in for a special mention in this article in the Courier Mail by Madonna King who says that the public is usually denied access to the policy thinking of some of our brightest public servants whose advice is only ever seen by ministers. King says that these thinkers "are silenced by a government system that focuses entirely on the Government, to the exclusion of those who work for it".

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