
Friday, February 01, 2008

Greater transparency for hospital performance but don't mention "league tables"

You would be justified in reading into the headlines today that no one is quite sure what was agreed or not agreed at yesterday's health ministers meeting about data on comparative performance on hospitals - "Health deal undermined" (AFR); "Ministers avoid talk of hospital scorecards" (SMH); "Roxon to push for hospital scorecards" (The Age) etc. etc.

The NSW Health Minister is reported to have said that the Federal Minister has abandoned league tables which enable comparison of the performance of hospitals, while the Federal Minister told the ABC "We think it is appropriate that the public are able to see how our hospitals are performing and compare across the public and private sector and across states". Que?

This summary from ABC Radio's PM suggests that beneath it all this is still a work in progress, but whatever emerges we won't be calling them "league tables".

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