
Friday, May 05, 2006

FOI in the news

Media reports based on FOI applications over the last week include:

The Daily Telegraph, 4 May: “Good at Spending Your Cash on Themselves” which reports that $400,000 has been spent on decorating and refurbishing NSW Ministers’ offices. The report was based on invoices submitted to the Premier’s Department. The Telegraph and the Opposition particularly liked the $1,452 spent on an ironing board for the Premier.

In a similar vein the West Australian on 29 April reported that the Government has spent $38,300 (hardly the “spree” claimed) on gifts for visiting overseas VIP’s. While the King and Queen of Sweden were recipients of over a $1,000 worth of paintings and books, visiting British Parliamentary delegates and others received gold-plated lapel pins, badges and cufflinks worth between $1.97 and $10.68.

The Australian, 29 April: “Split over ‘fatal flaws’ in road plan” about Federal/Queensland Government differences regarding the planning of the Ipswich Motorway.

The Australian, 4 May: “Court has secrecy in spotlight” about the forthcoming High Court challenge to Treasurer Costello’s ministerial certificates and the new approach to openness reflected in the NSW Court of Appeal decision in Workcover Authority v Law Society.

Australian Financial Review, 5 May: “Petroulias in tax paper chase” about a former taxation office executive charged with fraud and corruption is seeking access to documents regarding ATO policy on aggressive tax planning.

The Courier Mail, 5 May: “King of spin still in building” about the Chairman of the Australian Press Council’s comments about Queensland cover-ups, suppression of information and deliberately misleading ‘spin’.

As usual some of the links have disappeared quickly from the free content.

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