
Monday, March 27, 2006

FOI in the news

Media reports over the last week based on FOI applications include a Canberra Times report on 21 March that 2 Canberra fire stations have received infringement notices for having fire hazards; The Daily Telegraph report on 22 March about increased numbers of weapons finding their way into schools; the Sydney Morning Herald report about an unsuccessful attempt to obtain RailCorp documents concerning the safety of two buildings above railway track; and The Australian report on 27 March about the number of adverse reaction reports received by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, particularly children and Ritalin.

The Sydney Morning Herald report and another in The Age on 20 March “A public service response Sir Humphrey would be proud of” both get good mileage out of the responses given by the FOI officer to their requests.

The Australian reports that its High Court challenge to the conclusive certificate issued by Treasurer Costello concerning documents about bracket creep and the first home buyers scheme, will be heard on 18 May.

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