
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Freedom of Information Social Drinks, Sydney

If you were agitated, engaged or just concerned about the Federal Government's recent unsuccessful attempt to abolish the Office of Australian Information Commissioner, join a group of like minded for a drink and mix around, no formalities, before such thoughts are replaced by summer torpor.

The back room Woolpack Hotel, 229 Chalmers St Redfern, 6pm next Monday 15 December.

You can RSVP here, more privately by sending me an email or what the hell, just turn up, although the back room won't cope with hundreds and might struggle with 50, but we're sure to cope.

Thanks to Matthew Landauer and Henare Deegan of Open Australia Foundation for organising.

On the OAIC, some may not have seen the statement from the Attorney General's office that he intends running legislation next year to streamline FOI and privacy functions.

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