
Friday, March 08, 2013

Transparency and accountability issues below the radar in WA election campaign

Western Australia seems certain to re-elect the Barnett Liberal Government tomorrow.
Transparency, accountability and related issues don't feature in the Liberal Party policy commitments. Their Public Sector Management Policy makes no mention of freedom of information, lobbying, political party donations, whistleblower protection or privacy. WA and SA are the two states yet to enact privacy legislation binding the state sector. 

Premier Barnett has referred often to the government's higher standards of accountability noting five ministers under the previous Labor government were forced to resign or were sacked because of connections to Corruption and Crime Commission inquiries

Labor may have said something on topic but there is no relevant detail in the public sector policy released last September or in more recent policy commitments listed here and here

The Greens mention the lot, at least in general terms, so the issues weren't entirely missing from the campaign.

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