
Sunday, March 03, 2013

NSW Information and Privacy Advisory Committee

The membership of the New South Wales’ inaugural advisory committee on right to information and privacy matters announced on Friday includes three worthies from the private sector- and moi! 
Glad of the opportunity.
The committee will advise Deirdre O'Donnell the NSW Information Commissioner, and Dr Elizabeth Coombs, the NSW Privacy Commissioner on privacy and information access matters. The Attorney General also has the capacity to refer issues to the committee.
Other members are Ms Teresa Corbin, Ms Angela Green and Mr Doug Peiffer, with three deputy members Mr Bruce Mansfield, Ms Julie Ann Priest and Ms Samantha Yorke, and two yet to be named senior public sector officers.

We'll do our best.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your appointment Peter - great news. You will be an invaluable contributor to the Committee.
