
Thursday, November 29, 2012

(Partial) privacy reform just makes it before end of year close down

Attorney General Nicola Roxon announced that the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Amendment Bill 2012 passed parliament today-stage one in action on a process that started with a reference to the Australian Law Reform Commission in 2006, led to the commission's final report in 2008, and was followed by four years of back, forward and sideways by the government until -bingo on the last day of sittings for the year.

In the Senate yesterday the Government moved 40 amendments to the bill following recommendations that came from the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee including some from Opposition senators in a dissenting report. Much of the discussion concerned credit providers. The amendments have the effect of extending the commencement period of the bill to 15 months after royal assent.

Those amendments must have sailed through the House of Representatives today. 

Thus endeth stage one-with 15 months or so now to thrash around the regulations. 

(Update: Here's the take from Australian Privacy Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim.)

I'll leave the final analysis to others.

No one dared mention stage 2.

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