
Thursday, September 02, 2010

Second vote for Gillard, three still for grabs

Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie's agreement of support for a Gillard government sees the parties sign up, on the accountability, integrity and parliamentary reform side of the ledger, with everything agreed with The Greens, and one additional commitment, to introduce whistleblower protection legislation and have parliament pass it by 30 June 2011. Thanks to the Herald Sun, read the agreement in full.

Given the already long gestation period, and the Government's stated intention in March to introduce legislation this year, this on the surface doesn't look like any great concession. However Wilkie, who courageously and at great cost outed the Howard government on the intelligence assessments prior to the Australian commitment to war in Iraq, may be planning to have influence on the shape of a law that some experts six months ago thought close to best practice.

All up to the three remaining independents now.

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