
Monday, September 13, 2010

NSW disclosure logs so far, a mixed bag

Fair dinkum...
Two and a half months after the NSW GIPA act commenced, including the requirement each agency post on the internet information about a disclosure to a particular applicant of potential interest to the wider community, the disclosure log of Premier and Cabinet, Education and Training, Planning, and many other important NSW agencies remain as empty as my wallet. Maybe they haven't had formal applications, or haven't released anything of broad interest - the strict legal requirement - although this would be surprising. There would be nothing to stop an agency also making available information released in response to an informal request in any event.

While it is referred to in the Publication Guide posted on the web, I can't find the NSW Police disclosure log. Police were far and away the leader in the number of Freedom of information applications over 20 years.

The following agencies are some who have something to show: NSW Health, Treasury, University of Sydney, Justice and Attorney General, Camden Council, NSW Fire Brigades, and Roads and Traffic Authority.

A central NSW site with a link to major agencies' GIPA page - like this for Queensland agencies - would be a help to those keen to keep an eye on developments.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:27 am

    I wonder if the central link page model will be taken up as best practice by the Cth Information Commissioner?
