
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rann: whatever it cost, it's worth it.

Dean Jaensch in The Advertiser today comments on Lance Armstrong's ringing endorsement for Premier Mike Rann in a press conference, when he said he would very much like to see "Ranny" win the South Australian election, due soon, and be returned to office. Armstrong is being paid an appearance fee by the Government, rumoured to be $2 million, but the Government says it can't reveal the amount  because  this would put the Tour Down Under at risk of being stolen. Jaensch makes a number of good points about the endorsement, and comments:
"For a government that says it is in favour of freedom of information and open government, it is hard to see the justification for refusing to tell the public what appearance fee was paid...Certainly there is competition between the states for anything worth having. But when taxpayers' money is concerned, there seems to be a more important principle at stake than "we got it first".
There is of course.  From a distance in any event, serious SA interest in freedom of information and open government is hard to discern

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