
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tasmania moving forward on reform inititiatives

The Tasmanian Attorney General says "strong progress had been made on the review of Tasmania’s Freedom of Information and Public Interest Disclosures laws." Tassie is opting for "Right to Information", following the Queensland lead, as the title of the FOI rewrite, due to go to Cabinet shortly. NSW's preference - Government Information (Public Access) - some might say predictably in light of the Attorney General's views about such things, steers clear of "rights."

Only four submissions have been received by the Government so far on Tasmanian whistlebowers' protections, with the close off date this week. Maybe most of those interested might say simply read what they had to say in 71 submissions and 17 supplementary submissions to the Federal House of Representatives Committee Inquiry.

Meanwhile still no hint of any FOI reform interest in Victoria, WA or SA. In SA, this Advertiser report that a response to an application for information about seatbelts in school buses took three years has prompted the Minister for Education to at least ask the Department for an explanation.

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