
Friday, August 15, 2008

FOI delivers grist to the right to know in WA campaign

Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act have partly been responsible for keeping the explosion at the natural gas plant at Varanus Island on the front pages in Perth during the state election campaign.Who could disagree with Opposition Treasury spokesman,(ahem) Troy Buswell:
"The people of Western Australia deserve to know the truth. They don't deserve over after over of political spin."
Leading to this retort from the Treasurer, something Mr Buswell is sure to hear often in the next weeks:
Mr Ripper returned fire, saying he took "great exception" to be called a liar by Mr Buswell, who he said had not told the truth over the chair-sniffing incident and support for former leader Matt Birney in a leadership spill.
The Premier denies any cover up.

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