
Thursday, November 02, 2006

Victorian election opens up on open government

Accountability, and FOI reform is getting a run in the Victorian election campaign.

The Age reported that a bipartisan group of academics and former MPs are putting forward a charter to renew accountable government. The Opposition leader has said he will have a look and consider signing up.

The former Auditor General has defended the Government, pointing to a number of reforms that enhanced the powers of that office.

The Treasurer has promised that the Government will be less secretive about public private partnerships.

The Greens have drawn up a wish list of reforms, including abolition of the exemption for Cabinet documents.

The Age kicked things off a few weeks ago with this article on "Bracks' secret state".

And its still early days, with the election scheduled for 25 November.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:45 am

    It is not just the secrecy under which Governments operate under but the complete disregard to be held accountable
