
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cuts in the "backroom" in NSW Public Sector

Much media speculation over the last few weeks about the outcome of a review of public sector costs in NSW being undertaken by the Assistant Treasurer Michael Costa. According to reports the Government is looking to cut 4000 jobs but not sacrifice “frontline” service positions, and there is some talk of further departmental mergers or amalgamations.

All will be revealed of course soon – the report was due last November – but it will be interesting to see what, if any changes the Government will make to the many overly complex administrative requirements that still are a feature of the public sector and consume large amounts of time and public money. FOI and privacy protection of course could turn out to be “backroom” functions affected by staff cut. The real issue that should be addressed is streamlining processes, greater proactive disclosure of government information, simplified laws, and timely and effective central support for those involved in the management of these issues.

The Daily Telegraph on 31 January, in a report about the review said that the main business lobby group in NSW, Australian Business Limited had made a submission to government on cost reduction that called for the abolition of the NSW Privacy Commission and the Office for Women.

We will watch this space!

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